Attar is the next evolution in aromatherapy as well as natural perfumery. As the aromatherapy industry is developing and evolving it become important to talk about attars also. The idea has not been solidified yet in aromatherapy industry due to various reasons. I will skip the those reasons, and talk about Attars.
Attar means capturing the aroma of a fragrant and therapeutic raw material like rose, jasmine, ylang ylang, vetiver, musk seed etc. in pure sandalwood oil. Traditionally in India, this base oil has been sandalwood.
Thus, attars are pure natural fragrances. It is how one aspect of pure natural perfumery evolved in India.
Sandalwood essential oil (EO) is best to make Attars because
Sandalwood EO is the best to capture the aroma.
Sandalwood EO is the best to retain the aroma
Sandalwood EO is the best to enrich the aroma.
Sandalwood EO is the best to diffuse the aroma.
Also sandalwood EO increases the shelf life.
To understand the concept better let us take a look at the below picture.

In pot number 5 is sandalwood oil.
In a big pot, pot number 1 , it is water + fragrant raw material.
And this is how is actually looks in reality. Please see below photo from one of our units.

These pots are made of fine copper. One pot is weighs around 12~18 Kg depending on its size. After corona the price of copper has doubled, so the expansion of attar industry has also been affected.
Attar in itself is Aromatherapy. I call it extended limb of aromatherapy as well as natural perfumery. And it has infinite possibilities. Unfortunately due to lack of sandalwood oil, lack of passion, adulteration, lack of qualification in distillation, and various other reasons Attars have lost it glory.
We are working hard to revive original Attars making, and include them into the main stream of Aromatherapy.
Written by Krishana Chaitanya & MSA Team.
Krishana lives in Himalaya, India and is one of the founders of Mysore School of Ayurveda Aromatherapy (MSA)
MSA Instagram: @learn.aromatherapy
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Krishana is also co-founder of Nisarga Farms Organic. Instagram @essentialoildistiller
You can connect to Krishana for consultation regarding Ayurveda aromatherapy, for psychology health solution, yoga, meditation, aromatic crops cultivation and oil distillation on his personal Instagram/telegram @aromatherapist_krishana and his email –
This Article and all other contents on this online platform is Copyright © Mysore School of Aromatherapy, NGPL Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
You CAN copy, share and use this for educational purposes and give credit to the author Krishana Instagram/MSA website/ Nisarga Farms website/Telegram. contains articles on many oils and (sometimes on) their benefits; however, there is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in an article on health benefit matters is true, precise, or up-to-date. Even if a statement made about oil and its effect is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.