Throughout your research on Ayurveda Aromatherapy, you will come across references to aromatic waters, hydrosols, hydrolates, and floral waters. It’s all the same: enticing aromatic waters that result from the cooling of the steam process during the distillation of essential oils. In Ayurveda Aromatherapy we call them ‘Jal’. Jal here refers to the distilled water or hydrosol or aromatic plant, as well as non-aromatic plant. In western Aromatherapy world generally aromatic plants are focused, but in Ayurveda Aromatherapy aromatic as well as non-aromatic plants both are focused. For example, in Ayurveda Aromatherapy which is also known as Sugandhim Veda or Gandha Veda since Indus Valley civilization, we distill hydrosol of Mulberry leaf. When you smell mulberry leaf, then there is no such aroma in it. But we distill its hydrosol because we know how to use it for the health and skin care.
In English for better understanding for all of you, I prefer to call them Hydrosol. Hydrosols are an essential tool in your ayurveda aromatherapy tool kit for the holistic health of your whole family.
Since we also distill essential oil in the Kashmir Himalaya valley, there are few interesting and useful information I want to share here about hydrosols.

Distilling hydrosol in copper pots at Nisarga Farms Organic
1. Are Hydrosols always by-product or distillation?
– No, it is not always true. In most cases hydrosol are by-product of the aromatic plant, but many a times in Ayurveda we distill hydrosol as the MAIN. It depends on the end use and recipe, and it also depends on the type of flower material. For example, when we distill rose centifolia hydrosol, then we follow one kind of distillation process, and when we distill rose damascena hydrosol in Himalaya Mountain, then we follow slight different method of distillation. This is due to the properties of the flower and the end use.
2. Are hydrosols always soft and more balanced?
– Yes compared to essential oils hydrosols have a milder and more balanced effect. Hydrosols are filled with therapeutic components, but at a fraction of the essential oil concentration. A tiny amount of volatile essential oils for aromatherapy is captured in their aromatic waters, most of which has been separated. In addition, water-soluble volatiles that do not end up in the essential oil are trapped in the hydrosol. Thus, hydrosols contain a wider range of components and can offer a gentler health and wellness treatment than essential oils. Hydrosols or Jal are another way to harness the health and wellness potential of aromatic as well as non-aromatic herbs and plants!
3. Aromatherapy essential oils vs. hydrosols?
– Did you know that oil and water don’t mix? Well, in ayurveda aromatherapy hydrosol, during the distillation process, naturally a small amount of essential oil is already diluted and mixed in water. Throughout your online aromatherapy classes at MSA and your holistic health career, you will learn that feeling good is something we should be doing every day: hydrosols make everyday health and wellness easier. There is no need to dilute or create mixtures – specific hydrosol can be used immediately as a room and body spray. Also, the fact that the fraction of essential oil is physically soluble in aromatic water helps the body to absorb it.

Distilling essential oil and hydrosol at Nisarga Farms Organic
4. But are hydrosols safe?
– Security is always key, so it’s always a good question. Hydrosols are safe and have been used for many centuries in many civilizations and are still in use today. Rose hydrosol, Sandalwood hydrosol, Pandanus flower hydrosol, Vetiver Hydrosol, Mulberry hydrosol, Holy Basil hydrosols are few of the hydrosols that have a long history of culinary use in Indian Subcontinent.
5. How about external applications?
– Spray on and leave to dry – yes, hydrosols are the perfect, quick and easy external application. Remember that they do not contain alcohol, which can dry and sting if the skin is clipped, pastured, sensitive, or inflamed. In a cream consider adding a hydrosol rather than a tincture; it is softer on the skin. Ready for hair tonic? Think hydrosol!
6. Can Hydrosols also inhaled like essential oils?
– Yes! Spray and breathe deeply – yes, it’s that simple. Unlike infusions, lotions, essential oils, and tinctures that need a level of preparation before a client can use them, scented waters are basically instantly available for a wide variety of internal and external uses. However, make sure your hydrosol is pure, nothing external stimulant has been added to it.
7. Precautions:
– Did you know that in general, most hydrosols can be applied directly to the body, but DO NOT apply them to the face and sensitive parts of the body. It also depends on the effectiveness of hydrosol. The safest facial hydrosols are rose, sandalwood, jasmine, neroli, etc. A skin test is always recommended.
8. Adulteration of Hydrosol?
– Yes, this can be very shocking for many people that such a simple botanical can also be adulterated. How does hydrosol falsification occur? The most widely used hydrosol is rose, and it is also considered the most adulterated. There are various methods to do it. At the end, why do people adulterate? Simple, to earn more money at the sake of health of fellow human beings. It is very important to buy hydrosol from the right supplier. You can contact Nisarga Farms Organic for a selection of hydrosols and oils.
Instagram: @essentialoildistiller
Written by Krishana Chaitanya & MSA Team.
Krishana lives in Himalaya, India and is one of the founders of Mysore School of Ayurveda Aromatherapy (MSA)
MSA Instagram: @learn.aromatherapy
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Krishana is also co-founder of Nisarga Farms Organic. Instagram @essentialoildistiller
You can connect to Krishana for consultation regarding Ayurveda aromatherapy, for psychology health solution, yoga, meditation, aromatic crops cultivation and oil distillation on his personal Instagram/telegram @aromatherapist_krishana and his email –
This Article and all other contents on this online platform is Copyright © Mysore School of Aromatherapy, NGPL Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
You CAN copy, share and use this for educational purposes and give credit to the author Krishana Instagram/MSA website/ Nisarga Farms website/Telegram. contains articles on many oils and (sometimes on) their benefits; however, there is absolutely no assurance that any statement contained or cited in an article on health benefit matters is true, precise, or up-to-date. Even if a statement made about oil and its effect is accurate, it may not apply to you or your symptoms.